A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband:
but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.
Proverbs 12:4
Do you make your husband ashamed?
It may not be obvious that you are shaming him.
Do you tease him about his weight or bad habits in front of others?
Do you talk about him to other "supportive" women?
Is he embarrassed by the children's behavior?
Could he be embarrassed by your behavior?
Men are very self-conscious about their image.
It is important for them to appear capable and strong to those around them.
Are you helping him to feel like he can take on the world?
Are you helping others to think highly of him?
I don't think any wife truly wants to be like rottenness in her husband's bones.
She want to be a crown to him.
She want him to be proud of her.
-Search for ways you may be making your husband ashamed. Make a very large effort to change your ways.