Thursday, January 30, 2014

Put up...

I see people thinking about finding the right person to marry.
They have lists of quality traits that they look for in prospective beaus.
I can't help but think this is a list of what the spouse will need so they can put up with them for the rest of their lives.

The longer I am married the less I think about if I married someone that I can put up with for the rest of my life.

It is more about amazement that this other person would choose to put up with me and forgive my mistakes.
God has you married to the right one.

-Write down 3 things you are grateful your husband puts up with or forgives you for

Maybe you smack your gum, leave hair in the shower, yell at the kids, have supper late or not at all, be a bear, belittle others, leave your things out, etc.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


You expect your husband to love you, regardless.
Do you respect your husband, regardless?

-How do you think about your husband everyday?  Write down three things you appreciate or admire in your husband.  Thank him or praise him for one of them.

Friday, November 15, 2013


-Tell your husband how proud you are of him

Maybe you will leave a post it note on the bathroom mirror, or the rear view mirror of his car telling him you are proud of his desire to take care of you.
Or maybe you will call him and tell him you are proud that he is an ethical hunter.
Or good at video games.
Or good at reading bedtime stories to little ones who are not sleepy.
Or maybe you're proud of the way he looks.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Are you someone that your husband wants to be around?
Are you cheerful?
Do you keep it together until he get home and then collapse into a heap of grouchiness, weepiness, and irritability?
Do you dress up for other people in Walmart, but just throw on some sweat pants for the rest of the day?
Do you nag him or are you secretly irritated with him?

I am not saying these things won't ever happen, or even that some of them shouldn't ever happen.
One of the most beautiful parts of marriage is when the other person loves you, regardless of how you look, or act.
There should be nights when you just pour out your heart, or times when you both kick back in pajamas to watch the football game.

I'm just saying not to take your husband for granted.
Thank him for holding you when you are weepy.
Make a concerted effort to be less grouchy when he is home.
Dress up for him.
Listen to how his day went before telling about yours.
Take a night to refrain from saying anything negative.

-Look at the way you act around your husband.  Are you someone that he would want to be around?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


-Wear something you think your husband will enjoy

It doesn't have to be lingerie.
Maybe your husband has said he likes it when you wear a ballcap, skirts, his favorite team's jersey, leather boots, lipstick, _____________(Fill in the blank)

If in doubt, wear no underwear and make sure he knows it.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Oldies but goodies...

-For every year your husband is old, write down something you like about him

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Evaluate your heart toward your husband.
Are you harboring bitterness in the form of disappointment?  
Are you frustrated with him more often than not?
Are you constantly thinking he is making mistakes?
Are you getting lazy and not making an effort to put him first?

Remember that God loves you and your husband.  
God still knows what your husband does and doesn't do.
He still watches your reactions and responses to your husband.
He is still teaching your husband, still shaping him.
Be patient.
Enjoy your time with your husband.
Be his smiles and his encouragement.
Believe that God will enable him.
Believe that he can take on the world.

Fall in love with him again by serving him, remembering all the good things about him, and laughing together.

-Evaluate your heart.
-Ask God to show you where you need change and that he would help you change
-Ask God to give turn your heart wholly toward your husband